пятница, 31 декабря 2010 г.

Top 10 ES Posts of 2010

Endless thanks to everyone who spent part of their year simmering with us. Before you pop thebubbly, relive 2010 with our top 10 most read posts of the year.

10.The Cutest Eater in the World Contest

cute kids eating

You would not believe how many times parents will return to a snarky food blog just to tell the world how much cuter their kid is than every other kid.

9.NYC Tour De Poutine


We recommend every eater completes this tour once, and only once.

8.Mudslide Cupcakes


You ESers are a sucker for anything with“chocolate” and“cocktail” in the same sentence.

7.100 Ways to Cook a Sweet Potato

sweet potatoes

They’re not just for Thanksgiving anymore.

6.100 Things Restaurant Patrons Should Never Do


Give this a second read and make it your New Year’s Resolution to be a better customer.

5.100 Ways to Use a Tomato


That scallop BLT on the second row is still the most fuckable thing I’ve seen all year.

4.100 Ways to Cook a Pumpkin


Between this and the sweet potato recipes, you should be set for the rest of the winter.

3.Top 10 Halloween Cocktails

halloween cocktail

If you ask us, thebrain hemorrhageworks just fine for New Year’s too.

2.Top 10 New State Fair Foods


If you deep-fry it, they will come.

1.100 Things to Do With a Banana


Never underestimate the power of a subtly dirty headline.

Honorable Mentions:The World Cup of Food,How to Make Homemade Bacon,What Not to Buy Your Child for Christmas.

Previously:Top 10 ES Posts of 2009

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четверг, 30 декабря 2010 г.

Polish pierogies recipe


Well the holidays are over and the east coast is in the process of clearing out from the first significant snowstorm of the year. Because of thissnowmageddon/snowpocalypse, or whatever elseweathermansay to get us to stay tuned in, my beloved Eaglesmoved their gamefrom Sunday to Tuesday night.

It is a move that did not go over well. Even Gov. Ed Rendell came out and called America a nation of wusses. To be fair this is the same man who years ago admitted that when he was a Philadelphia-based district attorneyhe offered cash to anyone who could reach the field with a snowball. Despite the snow being cleared, the Iggles must not have been told that they were supposed to play Tuesday night because they barely showed up. Their lackluster effort ensured that the high point of the night would be the pierogi we had thawed out for dinner.

It is a shame that not everyone is familiar with the pierogi, or Polish dumpling. I happened to  grow up in an area with a mix of some pretty strong ethnic communities— pierogi, borscht, halupki and kaszanka were all part of our diet. At Christmas, one friend’s family would spend an entire day making hundreds of different pierogies with traditional fillings such as potato and cheese, mushroom, minced pork, sauerkraut, blueberries etc…

This year, a few of us decided to make some ourselves to have for the holidays and freeze for the coming months. Thankfully they turned out well, so Tuesday I broke them out for an easy dinner to have while watching the game.


The Dough

The dough for pierogi is surprising simple and easy to work with, though it does take a little elbow grease. We used the 321 method our friend Katie had been taught. 3 cups offlour, 2eggsand 1 cup ofsour cream. This somehow ends up being fairly sticky and still dry which is an odd combination but with a little kneading and 20 minutes in the fridge, you are ready to roll. We quickly found out the key is to roll the dough to a uniform thickness of about 1/16 of an inch. Any more or less and the final product was either too doughy or didn’t hold the fillings well enough. With the rolled-out dough, you’ll cut circles about the size of a cocktail shaker, which was our weapon of choice that day.

The Fillings

We decided to start with 5 lbs of potatoes and ended up making 3 different fillings but had the same base for each: a mix ofpotato, thepotato water,milkandunsalted butter. Essentially you’re going to go through the same process you would with making mashed potatoes except for one small difference. You still boil and drain the potatoes, warm the water, milk, butter and go ahead mashing but you will want to add less liquid than you do with mashed potatoes so that you have a slightly denser end result. Add some salt and pepper to taste near the end and you’re set.

We divided the filling base into 3 equal parts and added:

1) 1 1/2 cups of fresh gratedCotswald cheese(a cheddar with spring onions and chives)

2) 1 1/2 cupscaramelized onionsand choppedbacon

3)1 1/2 cupspickled jalapenosandmild cheddar

We went with a little less than a tablespoon of filling per pierogi and folded the dough over the filling in half circles before pressing the edges with a fork. In addition to the many pierogi we inhaled that night, we also let some chill on a cookie sheet before freezing so that they would not stick to each other.

Tuesday night, a package of frozen bacon and onion pierogies were what accompanied the Eagles loss. To prep, I boiled them for 3-4 minutes and then switched them over to a nonstick pan on medium heat with some butter and a little minced garlic until they got nice and crispy.

You can have your drink of choice but we had a few shots of Berechovka, an herbal bitters that aCzechfriend introduced us to a few years ago. Anise, cinnamon and other herbs are used in the liqueur and it paired well with the crispy pierogi and the tangy taste ofdisappointment.


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среда, 29 декабря 2010 г.

Ruth Bourdain is Your Eater of the Year

ruth bourdain

Despite a late surge to second place by the Michelin Man,Ruth Bourdainis your overwhelming choice for 2010Eater of the Year, locking up the title with a full 50.12% of reader votes.

Congrats to RuBo— we look forward to eating more with you in 2011.

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вторник, 28 декабря 2010 г.

Chicken pot pie recipe


As regular readers of ES might know I have difficulty pleasing my BF— in the kitchen. One of the food items that doesn’t sit well withMrsBritanniais dark meat, and I have to be honest it doesn’t sit well with me either, especially on the bone, unless it comes in a basket sitting on a bar with a beer.

The day after Christmas, at least in the U.K. and many parts of the Commonwealth, is known asBoxing Day, a Victorian-era tradition when the wealthy would provide gifts and leftovers to their servants, so they could enjoy a day off for the holidays themselves.  I was brunching across town on Christmas, so I didn’t have any leftovers the next day (fortunately I didn’t have any hired help to disappoint, either). So for Boxing Day dinner we decided to make a roasted chicken and vegetables. As most of our friends were recovering from Christmas themselves it was just the two of us, which made for plenty of post-Boxing Day leftovers, including dark meat. I put out a call for what to do with the meat and I was given a couple of good suggestions, includingchicken croquettesand apastel de choclo. But I played it safe and went with chicken pot pie.


Leftover Chicken Pot Pie

Alongside thechickenwe roasted somepotatoes,onionsandcarrots. There was plenty of everything leftover so we we used it all and nothing went to waste, even the potatoes which we reserved for a mashed potato. The only additional item purchased was aleek— I’m a huge fan as I think it adds such a nice sweet touch to any dish.

In a small pan I heatedchicken stockandchicken bouillon cubes. In a larger pot I melted somebutterand sauteed the leek until soft, adding in a half cup offlourto create a cream. Once the cream simmered a little I poured in the stock and stirred. From here I threw in the leftover onions, carrots and chicken and stirred some more, throwing in a little more flour until it thickened. I poured the sauce into a heatproof oven dish and placed thepastry(I had some from a leftover pie, but store-bought puff pastry will do) over the top. Baked on 375 for about an hour, until golden brown.

This was a great use of leftovers, but I have another predicament— I have leftover pie filling I don’t know what to do with. Any suggestions are welcomed in the comments!

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понедельник, 27 декабря 2010 г.

Top 10 New Foods We Ate in 2010

With another year gone it’s time to look back and reflect on all the deliciousness that was. Here are the top ten new dishes the Endless Simmer team was lucky enough to stuff in our mouths over the past 12 months.

10. Fried Peanut Butter, Banana and Bourbon Sandwich

breslin peanut butter and banana

Breakfast atThe Breslinin New York is about as ridiculously delectable as it gets. In their modern update on The Elvis sandwich, peanut butter,banana,bourbon and vanilla are all goo-ily encased in a fried-til-crispy puffed skin.(Photo:gsz)

9. Sustainable Sushi

sustainable sushi

Sushi is the modern foodie’s last major guilt trip— a dish that just can’t be done locally, sustainably, or ethically. Or is it? AtMiya’s Sushi in New Haven, Connecticutchef Bun Lai is turning the sushi CW on its head, proving it can be just as tasty and exciting when overfished species like unagi and bluefin are replaced with sustainable, North American fish. If there’s one new food idea that turns into a 2011 trend, we hope it’s this.

8. Burrata Everywhere


This revelatory cheese wasn’t invented in 2010 (try 1920) but this was the year we saw the Italian delicacy pop up on menus all across America. Fresh curds of buffalo milk mozzarella are stirred into salted cream and kneaded and pulled until they take on a gloriously goopy texture that makes all other mozz look like lifeless balls of nothing. Burrata is such a perfect cheese that only a sliver of bread and a touch of olive oil are needed to make it a meal. The quality varies place to place, but we sampled particularly tasty versions atRoman’sin Brooklyn andThe Lake Chaletin Oakland. You?(Photo:Kyoto Song)

7. The Mighty Cone

the mighty cone

TheAustin, Texas food truck sceneis one of the most heralded in the nation, and this local ready-to-eat-on-the-street treat is the one we’re most hoping to see go national. At this year-old trailer, a tortilla cone is filled with cornflake-almond-chili-crusted chicken tenders, fried avocado, mango-jalapeno slaw and ancho sauce. The ice cream cone is dead. Long live the chicken cone.
(Photo:The Mighty Cone)

6. Malaysian BBQ

fatty cue

Usually by the time a budding chef-lebrity opens their third restaurant, they’re churning out a watered down, assembly line version of what made them famous. Not so for Zak Pelaccio, who branched out this year withFatty Cue, a Brooklyn restaurant that ingeniously fuses traditional southeast Asian flavors into classic BBQ dishes. The never gimmicky menu ranges from heritage pork ribs in smoked fish-palm syrup and Indonesian long pepper to Manila claims swimming in bone broth with barbecued bacon and chili.(Photo: Fatty Cue)

5. Naan Gone Gourmet


We’ve always thought this buttery, flakyIndian breadputs the rest of the world’s bakers to shame. But why does it have to be relegated to a crude curry-grabbing tool or a plain app topped with garlic? This year we saw chefs finally getting creative with naan. At D.C.’sMasala Artnaan smothered in rock salt and fresh cilantro is a meal unto itself. At Chicago’sGaztro-Wagonnaan-wiches are stuffed with lemongrass pork cheeks, sweet potato, bacon and fennel. Even at the posh newAzokin Mumbai, the house-baked naan is layered in blue cheese and coriander chutney.(Photo:Fortes)

4. The Pie Shake


One slice pie. One scoop ice cream. All genius. Yes, it’sthe pie shake.

3. KFC Double Down

KFC double down

Yes, it’s over-the-top and ridiculous. Yes, it’s beenbloggedtodeath. But come on. We all know that when future civilizations open their space textbooks to the chapter on“America,” they will  undoubtedly view the moment that sandwich buns were replaced with slabs of fried chicken as our culture’s most notorious achievement.

2. Smoked Meat Poutine

mile end poutine

This was the yearNew York restaurants became obsessed with poutine, Montreal’s signature comfort food mash-up of french fries, cheese curds and gravy. No one did it better thanMile End, where savory bits of Montreal-style smoked meat brisket are added to a flawless concoction of fresh Maine curds, chicken-mushroom gravy, and perfectly crisp fries.NYC Tour De Poutine.

1. Fried Beer


America does it again. And by America, clearly we mean Texas.Fried beer is top new food at 2010 state fairs.

Feed Us Back! What’s the best new thing you ate in 2o10?

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вторник, 7 декабря 2010 г.

The Return of Miss K…and the Great Stuffed Pumpkin | Endless Simmer


Last fall, I wrote a few posts for this website, heading down a path I was sure would lead to fame and fortune as a food writer. It wouldn’t be long before Gail Simmons was calling me to do a story and Rachel Ray was looking to me for advice on new ways to serve chickpeas. But then I hit a literal bump in the road in my relationship with food—pregnancy. I spent the first three months“uneating” my dinner every night at ten only to wake up ravenous at 3 am. Why exactly is it called morning sickness? Then, I took a job as a camp counselor for 3- and 4-year-olds, which left me with exactly enough energy each afternoon to go home and go to bed, sometimes at 7 pm. Eating became rote, done primarily to keep my stomach from devouring itself before I could make it downstairs for breakfast.

My darling boy arrived in September at a robust 8 lbs, 6oz.. I guess someone was getting enough to eat. Now that the haze of the first few months has lifted, I am back to some of my old hobbies, namely cooking and writing. Plus, we finally polished off the last casserole in the freezer. For my return, I have a recipe that represents my life— the same as a year ago, but really not the same at all. Here’s an updated take on last year’sbaked stuffed pumpkin:

Apple and Rice Stuffed Pumpkin with Yogurt Sauce

To bake a whole pumpkin:

When choosing a pumpkin, go with a small- to medium-sized one. Fewer bumps are ideal, or you will have to contend with holes when you peel it.

Cut the top off the pumpkin, then scrape out all the seeds and gross stringy bits. If you want, you can save the seeds and oven-roast them. Then put the whole hollowed-out pumpkin on a cookie sheet, place in a 350-degree oven, and bake until a fork goes through the skin easily. Let cool, then peel off the skin. Now you are ready to stuff.

Rice and apple stuffing(adapted fromThe Moosewood Cookbook)

You will need:
2 cups cooked brown rice (or white rice if your husband is a hater like mine)
1 T butter
1 1/2 c. chopped onion
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 medium tart apples, diced
1/2 t cinnamon
1/2 t allspice
1 t salt
2 T honey
1 c chopped walnuts

Saute onions in butter until they are soft. Add garlic, apples and spices and saute 5 more minutes. In a large bowl, combine rice, saute and walnuts. Fill pumpkin with stuffing and return to oven. Bake until all ingredients are warm. You may also rub the outside of the pumpkin with butter and brown sugar for additional sweetness.

Top stuffed pumpkin slices with yogurt mixed with ground cumin and fennel.

More:100 Ways to Cook a Pumpkin


понедельник, 6 декабря 2010 г.

100 Ways to Cook a Sweet Potato | Endless Simmer

Potato….. Potaahto….. Who cares? Just make sure it’s sweet. The health benefits of this tuber are well documented and it has become somewhat of a hip veggie recently. Unfortunately, many of us prepare it the same way time after time. Not anymore. From sweet potato mac‘n’ cheese to sweet potato whoopie pie, here are our 100 favorite sweet potato recipes.

Click on any of the pictures to find the recipes

Sweet Potato FrittataBeni Imo DoryakignocchiSweet potato Pierogie

Chicken w/Sweet Potato and Fruit CompoteSweet Potato Goooey BarsSweet Potato and Gouda Soupsweet-potato

swpizza-300x269Sweet Potato PancakeLamb and Sweet Potato Pot PieSpicy Sweet Potato Soup

Sweet Potato EnchiladasSweet Potato HummusSweet Potato and Black Bean BurritoCandied Sweet Potato Crepes

Sweet Potato Mac and Cheesesweet-potato-dogCream of Sweet Potato SoupSweet Potato Prune Bake

Sweet Potato Quinoa CakesSweet Potato and Mushroom RavioliSpicy Sweet Potato Fritterssweet-potato-and-bulgar-wheat-1-500-x-332

Sweet Potato BundtSweet Potato Whoopie PieSweet Potato and Pancetta Raviolimla102889_1007_pot_chips_l

Sweet potato, Papaya and Lime saladSouthwest Sweet Potato SkinsSweet Potato Cake w/Orange Cream Cheese FrostingSweet Potato and Gruyere Turnover

Parsnip-Ricotta-Spread-1-edited-500-x-332Sweet Potato and Goat Cheese RavioliSweet Potato and Swiss Chard GratinCoconut, Sweet Potato and Brussels hash

Sweet Potato ParathaP1P2P3

P12Sweet Potato Peanut SoupFruity Sweet Potato Saladsweet-potato-and-bulgar-wheat-1-500-x-332

sweet-potato-thai-soup-1-600-x-361P15p16Barley Sweet Potato Salad

P19African Sweet Potato StewSweet Potato CocktailSweet Potato Mini Tart

dsc_6513-2P24New Mexican Latke w/ Lime CreamJamaican Sweet Potato Stew

P28P29Sweet Potato BreadSweet Potato Sushi

pan-asian-chicken-1-600-x-3984287776415_1858e1617aSweet-Potato-Pie-18r-title-1024x667Sweet Potato Bundt

P35P37Sweet Potato BiscuitsSweet Potato-Gulab Jamun

P39P51sp-hash-02-sSweet Potato Coconut Pudding

Sweet Potato and White Chocolate CakeChicken, Coconut and Sweet Potato CurrySweet Potato TamalesSweet Potato Oat Bar

Sweet Potato FlanIMG_5721Sweet Potato DoughnutsSweet Potato Pecan Pie

Sweet Potato Bleu Cheese TartScalloped Sweet PotatoInside Out Sweet Potato CasseroleSweet Potato Quesadilla

Cranberry Glazed Sweet PotatoSweet Potato Stuffed ApplesSweet Potato and Edamame w/Fall SpicesIMG_2494

Sweet Potato SouffleSweet Potato FriesSweet Potato ChipsSmoky Sweet Potato and Lamb Biryani

Sweet Potato Irish CandySweet Potato SorbetSweet Potato SmoothieBuffalo Sweet Potato Pizza

Pancetta Sweet Potato WafflesStuffed Sweet PotatoSweet Potato StuffingSweet Potato Oatmeal

More?Drop your favorite sweet potato recipes in the comments and we may just add them!

More 100 Ways…

100 Ways to Cook an Egg

100 Ways to Cook Bacon

100 Ways to Cook a Tomato

100 Ways to Cook a Banana

100 Ways to Cook a Pumpkin
