Way back in ES’ early days, I returned home from the Park Slope Food Coop one evening with the random purchase of a bagful of lavender flower, and promptly asked you readerswhat the eff to do with it. Despite your plethora of suggestions, following a pretty crazy experiment withlavender-pine-nut blueberry cookies, I have to admit this stuff has languished in the back of my spice closet with a bunch of other unidentified and under-utilized jars. No, I haven’t made those lavender pork chops or that lavender ice cream yet.
But it might be time to break out the purple stuff again, because our pals atGood Bitejust sent over these three recipes for some cooling summertime drinks, all made with lavender. Pick your poison and pair lavender with sugar, coffee or of course, alcohol.
Iced Lavender Mocha(makes one serving in a 20 oz. glass)
1 cup of milk (preferably 1 or 2 percent)
1 tsp. of dried lavender buds
1 shot of espresso or¼ cup of strong, cold coffee
about 4 Tbsp. of chocolate syrup (varies upon taste)
whipped cream (optional)
Heat the milk and lavender in a medium saucepan over medium-high heat and bring to a slight boil, stirring occasionally.Reduce to a simmer for 1-2 minutes.Remove from heat and let the lavender steep and the mixture cool for about 10 minutes.Strain and discard the lavender.Fill a 20 oz. glass about half way with ice and add either a shot of espresso or¼-1/2 cup of strongly-brewed, cold coffee.Add the chocolate syrup and the lavender milk and mix well.Add a splash or two more of milk if desired and top with whipped cream and a sprinkle of lavender.
Plus:Honey-Lavender Lemonade and Lavender Lemondrop Martini
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