суббота, 29 января 2011 г.

Feed Us Back: foodie babies, tequila soup and vagina homebrew

baby eating

debbie koenigsays you’ve gotta play it cool if you want tomake your baby a foodie:

As the food writer mom of a vexingly picky 4-yr-old: Try not to worry about it too much. Seriously, in my experience a lot of the food refusal is related to power struggles–the more clear it is to my son that I care about what he eats, the less likely he is to try something. Just keep serving–and eating in front of her–all the delicious, healthy stuff you normally eat.

Does this really work? So we should stop slipping truffle oil and sriracha into the baby’s bottle?

-Tikabelleshares the most heartwarmingsoup storywe’ve ever heard:

Once at Tres Agaves in Rocklin, CA, the soup of the day wasn’t ready yet. We were eating in the bar, and after making alternative food choices my friend and I were chatting when the bartender put two flutes of tequila in front of us. Surprised, we asked what it was – despite the fumes of Good Tequila coming from the glasses – and he replied, “it’s the soup of the day,” with a wink and a smile. Needless to say (though I say it anyway), tequila has become “soup” in our lexicon, and this picture makes me utterly happy. And now I crave soup.

- And thanks for the answers towhat should I put in my first homebrew?Benito:

If you want sheer craziness that will frighten the neighbors, a traditional Oyster Stout is a good choice. No idea how to do this safely at home, but throwing a bunch of shucked oysters in the pot with the other ingredients always struck me as a bit off:


There are, occasional attempts at using an… unorthodox source of yeast. No links here because this is a nice family blog, but let’s just say that there’s an intersection of home brewing and modern feminism that isn’t going to be hitting the shelves anytime soon.

For the record, this is not a nice family blog, and we would like to see that link. And keep thosehomebrew ideascoming— they don’t all have to be as crazy as that.



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