воскресенье, 31 октября 2010 г.

Feed Us Back: Spooky Comments of the Week | Endless Simmer

zombie cake

- So we thought we had found theTop 10 best Halloween cakeslast year, but thenPaul Joachimgoes and points us towards theZombie Dog Cake, which pretty much blows everything else out of the water. A-freaking-mazing. Thanks for the link, Paul.

- ESers were quick to defend the Taco Bell hot sauce costumes on ourTop 10 Worst Halloween Costumes list, but there was much less love for poor Broccoli Roberta.dan:

so… I’m being broccoli this year, but I SWEAR my costume is gonna be 10 times better than that one! I saw that one yesterday actually when I was trying to figure out how to make mine. There are some terrible broccoli costumes out there.


Do people even know what broccoli looks like?

- Whatever broccoli costume you decide to go with this year, be sure to check out Endless Simmer’sHalloween pagefor all the best ideas onHalloween costumes, cakes, cocktails and more.


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