One of my favorite dinner games is opening the refrigerator and playingChopped. Hey, I can pretend. I just love to play with food combinations. Of course, most of them usually taste damn yummy (to me…ahem). But every once in a while one of my bright ideas will be absolutely disgusting and inedible. Enter bologna, cream cheese, and pickle rolls. Sautéed Brussels sprouts topped with a sunny side up egg and sriracha. Bisquick + milk + bowl + microwave + grape jam + syrup + butter. A coffee mug + chocolate cake mix + peanut butter + whipping cream. Tortilla + Kraft singles + cucumbers + barbecue sauce. Soup is one of my favorite things to make, especially in the fall and winter. And following recipes, like a lot of things in my life, is just not acceptable. Why not put the cornbread IN the chili? How about jalapeño poppers in potato soup? (Turns out it doesn’t work too well.) Who would make a chocolate chip cookie stew? Um, yeah. It is a wondrous feat of nature that I don’t weigh 500 lbs.
This got me thinking— which food combination might be the most amazingly disgusting on the planet? I have a few below that would be excitingly terrible, and I would like to know yours, oh fearless ESers. C’mon, give me something really gross. If you’ve made it, great. If you’ve only dreamed of making it, it still counts. Here are mine:
- Roasted Garlic Peach Crumble
- Mint and Orange Egg Casserole
- Cheese Whiz Lime Sorbet
- Ground Beef and Mint Chip Ice Cream
- Strawberry Peanut Butter Daquiri
- Big Red Gum Guacamole
- Black Licorice Linguini with Ketchup Mushroom Ragu
- Nutella Pickle Relish
- Oyster and Banana Runts Ravioli
- Broccoli Sea Urchin Maple Scones
- Grapefruit Junior Mints Protein Shake with Mustard Cottage Cheese Whipped Topping
- Durian Fruit and Shallot Smoothie (if you haven’t trieddurian fruit, please go buy one immediately)
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