четверг, 4 ноября 2010 г.

Cast Iron Snuggle Food | Endless Simmer

potato egg dish

There is something about cast iron that feels like camping in the woods…sleeping bags, pine trees, camp fires, marshmallows andsnuggling. These littlecast iron dishesfound me on a browsing trip to one of those kitchen stores in which one can lose an entire afternoon. A swift credit card swipe and I was their proud owner. My mission? Create comfort food to fill said dishes. So, here is the super delicious creation that makes you want to snuggle up to a campfire with your teddy bear or a cute man, whichever is readily available.

Cast Iron Eggs and Taters


  • 1/4 lb fingerling potatoes
  • one leek chopped
  • handfull of crimini mushrooms
  • 2 c whipping cream
  • 1/2 c parmesan
  • 2 eggs
  • oil
  • kosher salt
  • freshly ground pepper
  • chives for garnish

Bring fingerling potatoes to a boil and cook until done. Slice in half.

Chop dark green tops off of leeks so you are left with the round stalk. Chop off the bottom root. Slice leek down the middle (long ways). Remove outer 2 or 3 layers. Slice remaining layers long ways again, twice on each, then dice into pieces.

Slice mushrooms.

Reduce cream over medium heat. Make sure the cream does not boil over, which is what happens to me at work just about every day. Not a big deal, just kind of messy and embarrassing when it happens on a regular basis. Cream should thicken up when reduced enough. Add parmesan and stir until melted.

Get a sauté pan hot, add some oil, and sauté your mushrooms and leeks. Sauté the potatoes just to get some color. Be sure to add salt!

Divide the potato, mushroom, and leek mixture into cast iron dishes or ramekins. Pour in some of the reduced cream mixture. Crack an egg on top. Bake in 350 degree oven for about 15 min or until the white of the egg is set. If you like your yolks hard, it may take longer, but I think the runny yolk is DELICIOUS, thus multiplying the comfort food factor by at least 10. Top with fresh ground pepper, salt, and chives.

Pretty spectacularbouffage.


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