пятница, 5 ноября 2010 г.

Ten Worst (Foodie) Things About Being Knocked Up | Endless Simmer


(Actual TVFF Jr. ultrasound…the embellishments are artistic license)

No, I’m not pregnant. But Mrs. TVFF is, so I’ve become hyper-aware of dietary restrictions placed on women when they’re expecting. It’s amazing how much you can’t/shouldn’t eat. God forbid that something on the no-fly list make its way into your diet, and don’t even try to talk about it on those baby discussion boards, where you’ll be immediately branded an unfit mother if you so much as suggest that “sunny side up” is a valid option for your breakfast table.

So, since I’m at least somewhat responsible for Mrs. TVFF’s current condition, I thought it would be a good idea to solicit her thoughts on what she’s been missing the most during the first 36 weeks and share it with you. Obvious disclaimer: I’m not a doctor, so please don’t take this as medical advice.

10. Booze
Who doesn’t like a good stiff drink at the end of a hard day’s work? Well, let me tell you this:Nobodycould use a double martini more than a woman who has been dragging around an extra 25 pounds all day. Later in the pregnancy, it’s apparently kosher for you to have a half glass of wine with dinner, but that’s cold comfort for someone who would benefit from a bender.

9. Undercooked eggs
This one should come as no surprise to ES-ers, but we like a nice runny egg once in a while in the TVFF household. And we both love spaghetti carbonara (even if it doesn’t turn out perfectly), so it’s a minor tragedy that this one has been off the menu since May.  Also, having to portion the scrambled eggs in the pan and scoop out my share invariably leads to a messy countertop and overcooked eggs in the end. Can’t wait until we can go back to playing salmonella roulette on a regular basis!

8. Sushi
This is the one area where I’ve decided to show some solidarity with the wife. I’ve gone 36 weeks without raw fish, and it’s starting to get really annoying. She knew better than to ask me to give up drinking for nine months.  I love her and all, but let’s be real. To tide us over, she opts for the California roll from the her usual NYC lunch spot and I’ve relegated myself to a somewhat palatable Trader Joe’s faux-sushi, but it only makes us want the real stuff that much more.

7. Rare Meat
Some women profess a craving for meat during pregnancy, though Mrs. TVFF was much more interested in fresh fruit. Regardless, the done-ness of the meat that we are eating has proven to be an issue. She has steered (no pun intended) away from overly rare steaks and burgers, but the big headache has been chicken. Look, I’m not suggesting you eat your chicken at anything less than “done,” but I don’t like that I’ve been turned into an obsessive food safety inspector due to my zeal to prevent any kind of infection.

6. Caffeine
This poor woman can hardly keep her eyes open past 10:00 p.m. and yet she’s forced to studiously consult Starbucks’ Web site to make sure she isn’t going a few milligrams above her daily allotment.

5. Random Things That People Tell You Are Bad For You But Probably Aren’t
Did you know that you shouldn’t eat nuts when you’re pregnant because it might make you future offspring allergic? No? Probably because that’s something that somebody made up. But these are the kinds of things that come out of the woodwork when folks start to give you unsolicited (and unscientific) advice on your diet.

4. Deli, Smoked and Cured Meats
I have to admit that this one was a complete surprise to me. Who knew?  Actually, I don’t think that there’s inherently anything wrong with the sliced ham in your deli counter from a nutritional standpoint…I believe it’s more about the higher potential for infection from listeria. Let’s hear it for our country’s fantastic food safety regulations!

3. Good Cheese
You know how you can tell a great cheese because it’s soft, runny, slightly stinky and has gorgeous lines of blue streaking throughout? Hands off, moms-to-be.  If it’s not pasteurized or if it has anything resembling a live microorganism in it, it’s off limits. Feel free to go to town on the Velveeta, though, because that shit isperfectly good for you and totally healthy.

2. Raw Shellfish
It’s funny, ladies, but those raw oysters that you might have used to“set the mood” on that night that got you into this situation are strictly verboten at this point.

1. Hot Dogs
Really? This is frigging AMERICA and if a pregnant woman wants to have the most wholesome mystery meat product that this fair land has to offer, who is the medical establishment to tell her“no?”  I’m TVFF and I approve this message.


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