пятница, 11 февраля 2011 г.

Feed Us Back: sliced bananas and parsley on top

- You ESers has a field day with our favorite new unitasker,the bananza.debbie koenig:

I love that it’s a “hand-held” banana slicer. Obvs so much more convenient than those bulky room-sized ones.

Britannia, however, is not making fun:

I kinda want one, don’t judge.

- Andkitchen geekstands up forparsley as a garnish:

Used to be right there with you on the parsley garnish; but I’ve mellowed a bit. I’m anti curly-parsley and bad parsley but I think fresh flat leaf has its place. Garnish breaks down just like ingredients in the recipe, complementing or contrasting. Your current recipe and Rocco’s example go with the complementing camp. I often use parsley and/or cilantro in dishes that have neither to provide a fresh herb contrast to whatever dish I’m serving. Think about osso bucco and tell me gremolata is out of place as a garnish cutting the richness of the dish.

Finally,flickr user arenamontanasdeserves a huge round of applause for somehow providing the perfect photo for this post.

Thanks for simmering with us— see ya next week!


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