вторник, 1 февраля 2011 г.

Martha’s Baked: Three Questions for Ms. Stewart

Don’t worry, you’ve not stumbled upon some other cooking blog, but yes, you are seeing who you think you’re seeing.

You’ll have to excuse my boasting for a moment, but I just had a chance to speak with Martha FREAKIN Stewart.Hallmark Channelpremieres Martha’s new show,Martha Bakesthis week. The thirteen-week series focuses solely on the art of baking, with each episode highlighting a singular theme. Nothing too-too-fancy here. For example, the first episode is all about yellow cake, and as someone who isn’t a very good baker, it was nice to have a pro give a 101 tutorial.

Keep reading for more on what Martha has to say about her new show and all things baked.

Why baking?
I am always asked baking related questions more than anything else. There are plenty of food competition shows on television, but nothing educational.

What kind of recipes will we see?
What I tried to do was take the thousands of recipes that I’ve cooked over the years and developed over the years and choose my favorites; an edited selection of recipes. And then take maybe an important recipe like a yellow cake or a cheesecake or a pound cake and make variations on one of those recipes. So I think it’s a pretty valuable course and it teaches you a basic recipe and then the variations on those recipes.

Do you think macaroons are the new cupcake?
No. I don’t think they’re really replacing the cupcake. I don’t think they’re satisfying enough. I don’t, you know, you might want to eat 24 of them and they might, they might fill you, but they certainly don’t satisfy you like a cupcake.

Martha Bakes can be found on the Hallmark Channel, Mondays at 11am EST.


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