воскресенье, 6 февраля 2011 г.

Super Bowl Breakfast Of Champions

With all of thenacho cheese concoctions,mini burgers, andbacon cupcakerecipes floating around for super bowl Sunday, I think we’re still missing something: super bowl breakfast. You can’t start a day of eating as many calories as a linebacker without a nice hearty breakfast. My thought process was as follows: super bowl…beer…beer bread…eggs…sunnyside up egg on beer bread toast…touchdown! With this little number, you can have your beer right when you wake up on Sunday morning, and no one can say,“Um, isn’t it a little early to start drinking?” No, no it’s not, because I’m making breakfast. I win.

Beer bread it one of the easiest breads to make because you don’t have to knead it or let it rise or mess with yeast. If you don’t bake, don’t worry. If you can use an oven, it will be delicious.

Beer Bread


  • 3 cflour(bread flour if available) sifted
  • 3 tspbaking powder
  • 1 tspsalt
  • 1/4 csugar
  • 1/2 cmelted butter+ 2 tbsp for pouring on top of batter
  • 3 tbsphoney
  • 1 12 oz, can or bottle ofbeer(any beer will do, but I like to use more delicious beers like Abbey Belgian style ale by New Belguim Brewing Company which has yeasty, vanilla, banana, coriander, and brown sugar undertones.)


1) Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Sift together dry ingredients into a large bowl.

2) Melt butter and combine with honey.

3) Mix beer into dry ingredients.

4) Mix in butter and honey. Pour batter into a greased loaf pan.

5) Drizzle remaining 2 tbsp butter on top of beer bread before baking.

6) Bake for one hour at 375 degrees. The loaf should come out of the pan easily once cooled. It should be crusty and crumbly on the outside, but moist on the inside. Toast a slice and top with butter and your favorite egg preparation. You are a champion.


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