воскресенье, 1 августа 2010 г.

The 24oz Beer Can | Endless Simmer


You know what I really hate? Going to an event/concert/baseball gameand paying $9 for a beer. And only buying one $9 beer at a time, because they don’t stay cold in those stupid plastic cups. Therefore, if I want more than one beer (which I always do), I have to leave my seat/dancing spot and wait in line for another one.

This weekend in Scranton, PA we made a discovery.

The 24oz beer.

I realize these have been around for awhile, but I’d never seen them. Twenty-four ounces of goodness for $11 (which is about $7.20 per 16 ounces).

Yes, that’s still expensive compared to going to a bar and ordering a $3 Miller Lite, but look at what you’re getting. Beer in a CAN as opposed to one of those plastic cups, which spill far easier and get warm about 34,234 times quicker than in aluminum.

Also? The can stands up much nicer in the grass without spilling. When it does spill, less is lost. A key component tostadium drinking.

What’s the biggest beer you’ve ever seen?


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