понедельник, 2 августа 2010 г.

Fried Eggs and Potato Chips | Endless Simmer

potato chip eggs

Without a doubt potato chips are my favorite snack food. Cheese (extremely sharp cheddar) is next and a combination of a plate ofHerr’sRipples with cheddar, spicy mustard and a pickle is my ultimate combo. With all this love, however, I’ve never incorporated chips into my cooking. (Though I  always wanted to tryHerr’s Potato Chip Cookie.)

This was until I saw DC food writerMonica Bhide tweetabout chips in an Indian-spiced egg dish. Holy Crap! How have I never thought of combining my two favorite things to eat. Finally! My love for salty crunch and creamy egg can be together at last! And because I nowwork from home full timeI decided to try this out last week for lunch.

Egg Over Green Chili Potato Chips

Because I cooked this on the fly I didn’t have all of Monica’s set ingredients, which you cancheck out at her site. Here’s how I handledthe situation.

In a small cast iron pan heat up a combination ofoilandbutterand add a small dicedonion. Stir in something hot. I used a spicygreen chilli pastethat BS brought me back from Mauritius. Add in chopped parsley and then a handful or two of crushedpotato chips. Stir everything together and then sweep away the chip mixture to create a small hole. Add a tiny bit more butter into the hole and then carefully crack theegg. Sprinkle with water to create steam and cover with tin foil. After a few minutes, when the whites are set a slight film has formed over the yolk, remover the chips and egg from the pan and top withsaltandpepper.


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