воскресенье, 15 августа 2010 г.

Spontaneous Summer Giveaway | Endless Simmer

Feeling like the sweltering heat of summer is getting you down? Our friends at Good Commons encourage you to get out of dodge and head to the great Northeast for their Farm to Table Green Mountain Getaway, August 12– 15. Yes, we know it’s in a couple of days, but what better excuse to play hookie than a weekend of farm-fresh cuisine, local excursions, and special appearance and canning workshop by author and“real food” advocate ___________________.
Who is their special guest? Take a look at the itinerary, send your answer to info@goodcommons.com, and you may win a FREE slot for this incredible weekend. It’s all-inclusive, with round-trip transportation from NYC on their private bus, all meals, daily excursions, yoga classes, and more. Winner* will be chosen at random from eligible entries at midnight tonight so his/her great escape can be planned!
*Valid only for Farm to Table Weekend, no exchanges or cash value. Not valid with other offers.


Feeling like the sweltering heat of summer is getting you down? Our friends atGood Commonsencourage you to get out of dodge and head to the great Northeast for theirFarm to Table Green Mountain Getaway, August 12– 15. Yes, we know it’s in a couple of days, but what better excuse to play hookie than a weekend of farm-fresh cuisine, local excursions, and special appearance and canning workshop by author and“real food” advocate ___________________.

Who is their special guest?Take a look at the itinerary, send your answer toinfo@goodcommons.com, and one ES reader who responds correctly will win a FREE slot for this incredible weekend. It’s all-inclusive, with round-trip transportation from NYC on their private bus, all meals, daily excursions, yoga classes, and more. Winner* will be chosen at random from eligible entries at midnight tonight so his/her great escape can be planned!

*Valid only for Farm to Table Weekend, no exchanges or cash value. Not valid with other offers.


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