пятница, 24 сентября 2010 г.

Top Chef Just Desserts Exit Interview: Episode 2 | Endless Simmer


What, you thought we’d let you get away without Top Chef: Just Desserts interviews? Don’t be silly. If you’ve not watched Just Desserts, stop what you are doing and set your DVR— this show is how we all remember Top Chef— a sprinkle of awesomeness and a dash of crazy. I like to think of it asReal Housewives of Top Chef.

So, without further ado, I bring you last night’s loser:

Tell us what it’s like being on Top Chef: Just Desserts.
Tim Nugent:The whole thing is such an amazing ordeal. Just to be on the show, there is a lot of work to get on there. Then in the kitchen, to see all the equipment— with the economy today we don’t have a lot of this stuff in our own kitchen— no one is going to buy you these ice cream machines. It was kind of like being a little spoiled, you had to get used to it.

Can you explain your elimination dessert, the pudding?
I stuck to the challenge, this is what the cocktail was. I was also the last one behind the bar and there were very slim pickings. It was either change your mind or go with what you could find, so I kinda went with what I could find. The thing is, if it was served to you at a table it’s an entirely different beast, because you have 30 of them and it melts. When the judges saw it, it was a soup-y mess.

What was it like cooking for the likes of Johnny Iuzzini?
I particularly— he’s not really all that to me. I didn’t know of him that well. I think there could have been a more prestigious pastry chef/judge to represent our profession and represent the show better.

Lets talk about Seth.
What a big baby. Just grow up, everybody has got something wrong with some family member. He was there for the money; he was broke. It was a little odd to be kicked out over a crazy person, but that’s life. It wasn’t really uncomfortable, it was just annoying. People were just wondering what to do with him and figuring out how to calm him down.

How about the other contestants, who did you connect with?
Even this morning, everybody have contacted me. Malika and I have been really good friends, Tanya as well. Obviously Zac and Yigit live in the city so we get to chat a lot. They were surprised I was gone.

What now?
I’ve been in the city {San Francisco} for so long and the Drake (hotel) has been awesome, I’ve been with them for many years.Jen Biestyis executive chef so we’re already a Top Chef hotel (laughs). We have a great restaurant,Scala’s, which is insanely busy. Of course this isn’t going to change my life, I had a job then and I have a job now.

(Photos: Bravo)


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