воскресенье, 12 сентября 2010 г.

Win 30 Days of Free Yogurt from ES and Voskos | Endless Simmer


If you’ve been following ES for a bit, you know that one of our favorite dish-saving ingredients is a nice, fancy Greek yogurt. The folks over atVoskoscaught on, and have challenged ESers to kick it up a notch.

Here’s the deal: send us your best recipe that includes yogurt— it can be a yogurt-centric dish or just a meal that was made complete by yogurt on the top. You can write your recipe in the comments, paste a link to a blog post, or email the recipe to info (at) endlesssimmer (dot) com, with“yogurt contest” as the subject line.

An esteemed panel of judges will pick the winning recipe, and one reader will receive 30 (!) free samples ofVoskos’ rich, creamy yogurts(in the form of 30 free product coupons mailed directly to you). Contest is open from today through Friday, September 17.

Need some inspiration?

Be Friends with Voskos on Facebook
Squash and Spinach with Curry-Ginger Yogurt Sauce

Lox and Swiss Chard Omelet with Ramp Yogurt Sauce

Blackberry, Peach and Banana Smoothie


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